I know that this is a little bit late but everything always is with me... So it was Paul's 30th Birthday on the 3rd of this month. I had been planning a huge surprise party and gift for him for the past year. We had the party/dinner at Johnny Carino's on his birthday, he had no idea! I am so bad with secrets so it was really hard for me to pull this off but I did it and I was so excited about it. Paul totally thought that it was just him, me and Zach going to dinner but little did he know there was a room full of friends and family waiting for him. I had called and made reservations and sent out invitations, the whole nine yards. He was so shocked when we walked in! It was awesome!! I also gave him an AWESOME birthday present... I sent him to a Denver Broncos game the following weekend. If you know Paul, you know he lives for football and especially the Broncos. I got the tickets to the game and plane tickets (with my father-in-law's help), I called Paul's boss and took the weekend off for him, it was so awesome! He was so surprised and excited about it! I am the best wife ever!!! No offence ladies but it's true! Paul was so shocked that I had pulled this whole thing off without him knowing anything. I rocked it out! :) I made him a little certificate with a poem telling him he got to go to the game, it was so cute I will have to take a pic of it and post it for you all. Anyway the whole thing turned out so well! It was so much fun and so stressful all at the same time. I was really glad when it was all over though so I could stop lying to Paul, I am a really bad liar so it was hard even though it was all for a good cause! :) Thanks to everyone who came to the party and helped me with everything. We had a great time! :) So here are some of the pics from the party... I will post pics from the game when I get them (I didn't go with him, and I had the camera... We will get pics from Craig and post them so you all can see how much fun Paul had!)

This was when we first walked in... SURPRISE!!

Paul was so shocked!

Zach didn't really know what to think of everyone yelling..

This was a gift from Parker & Dayna, it was a venus fly trap... I love how Parker is laughing so hard in the background and Paul doesn't get what it is. It was so funny... Paul even said "I don't get it!" Awesome gift guys! :)

Paul opening his Broncos attire.. Zach and I got him a hat, long sleeve t-shirt and a hoodie, you never know what the weather is going to be like in Denver.

This was the certificate telling him about the trip, he said "I'm going to the Broncos game!? You always say you want to go to a Broncos game!" Then I told him I wasn't going and he said "So I have to go alone? That's no fun!?" Then I told him who was going and he said "Oh, ok. I really didn't want to go alone!" He is so silly!

Thanks Mauna & Craig for giving Paul the plane ticket.. a GREAT Birthday present! :)

I don't love this pic of me but I was so excited about the whole thing, I couldn't stop smiling and laughing at Paul's reactions to everything! It was AWESOME! I am so lucky to have the best husband, Paul is so sweet and he gives us so much that I wanted to do something so special and exciting for him. I know he loved it and I am so grateful to everyone who came to celebrate with us! Paul said later that he was so happy to see everyone there and he said that he didn't realize he had so many good friends and family to celebrate his Birthday with. Thank you SO much everyone! :)